The human next door to my usual humans is doing something.
He's putting up a wooden thing ... I think it's a fence.
I has decided to help, by sitting and watching him.
He's huffing and puffing lots, saying stuff about 'drill bits', and cutting things.
I'm helping by sitting down and blinking at him.
Every time he looks at me, or says 'you need to move, Clive', I blink.
I laid on the floor for a bit too.
I think I'm really helping.
I hope the human appreciates this.
I ate some food earlier, had a wash, and went out.
It was my female human who put the food out for me.
I was just crossing the road, to go and see one of my other humans, when my usual male human came along, in his vroom.
He got out, I saw him, I meowed... and then I had to come back across the road again, for some ear scritches... and then to follow him back home for some more food.
I wish he wouldn't do that just after I've left the house.
Having to cross the road again, to get affection and more food, is tiring.
Annoying human.
I needed to have a nap in a spot where I could stretch out.
I found the perfect place: on my humans' table - across all of their paper things.
I know they need to get to these paper things, so napping across them gives me an advantage.
If they come over to get one of the paper things, I get maximum belly rubs.
If they try to take one of the paper things from underneath me, I swipe at them with my paw.
Either way, I get lots of attention if I nap on the paper things that my humans need, and I has a comfy.
I don't understand small humans - the ones who are much smaller than big humans, and have higher voices.
Because they're so much smaller, and closer to my size, I think of them as furless cats as they come towards me... particularly if they make squeaky noises, which sound like meows.
Today, I was sitting outside the house of the humans across the road, when a very small human ran towards me, pointing, and shouting 'cat'... in a high voice.
I ran away.
I'm not sure about the smaller humans... they confuse me.