In the corner of the toilet room is a round thing which my human often throws things into and leaves them there.
I could smell something coming from the round thing.
I went over and sniffed it.
I could smell prawns!
I pawed at the round thing. It had a plastic bag in it, which rustled.
I clawed at the round thing.
I jumped up and put both paws on the round thing. It fell over.
Everything inside the round thing went onto the floor.
I pawed at it all. I sniffed - looking for the prawns.
The smell of prawns got stronger and stronger.
I found the source!
It was a packet that said 'prawns' on it... but it had no prawns in.
I had a sad.
I licked the packet for the prawn taste, then left it on the floor.
I had a nap.
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